Raynaud's phenomenon common. 1972, as the disease is a new disease of the connective tissue, it is an independent disease is still somewhat controversial. 雷诺氏现象常见。该病是1972年作为一种新的结缔组织病提出的,是否为一独立疾病目前还有些争议。
We retrospectively reviewed the effectiveness of peripheral sympathectomy for severe Raynaud's phenomenon. 我们回顾性地评论末梢交感神经切除术治疗严重雷诺氏现象的效果。
"Unfortunately, current therapy for secondary Raynaud's phenomenon is suboptimal and challenging to the clinician, as there are limited drugs to treat it," Dr. “不幸的是,目前对于继发雷诺现象的治疗方式对于临床医生来说并非最佳且充满挑战性,同时可用于治疗的药物也很有限,”Dr。
One patient experienced a complete resolution of Raynaud's phenomenon. 一名患者雷诺现象完全消失。
They are glomerular nephropathy with the disease, peripheral and central nervous system lesions, skin rashes, Raynaud's phenomenon of the pathological basis. 它们是本病并发肾小球肾病、周围及中枢神经系统病变、皮疹、雷诺氏现象的病理基础。
Have Raynaud's phenomenon, arthritis, swollen hands, inflammatory myopathy, weakened esophageal peristalsis, such as reduced lung diffusing capacity. 有雷诺现象,关节炎,肿胀手,炎性肌病,食管蠕动减弱,肺弥散功能降低等。
Raynaud's phenomenon ( RP) is an exaggerated vascular response to cold temperature or emotional stress. 雷诺现象是对遇冷或情绪应急的一种过度的血管反应。
Results: The primarily incipient symptoms of MCTD were Raynaud's phenomenon, the next symptoms were febrile 、 arthralgia/ arthritis and myositis. Myositis and sclerodactyly/ finger swollen were easy to be seen in patients with pulmonary artery hypertension/ pulmonary interstitial fibrosis. 结果:MCTD最常见的临床表现为雷诺现象,其次为发热、关节肿/痛和肌炎,有肺间质病变朋市动脉高压的患者肌炎和硬指/手指肿胀的出现率高;
Irregular fever, skin rashes, arthritis and raynaud's phenomenon are less common in the males than in the females, but the male patients are more likely to suffer from cardiac, pulmonary, hepatic, nervous system and hematological abnormalities the female patients. 男性LN合并心脏、肺、肝、浆膜腔、中枢神经、血液系统病变较女性多见(或严重),而发热、并节肿痛、皮疹、雷诺征较少见;
Change of Nailfold Blood Flow Volume and Microcirculation in Patient with Raynaud's Phenomenon 雷诺现象患者的区域血流量及微循环变化
Objective: To probe the change of local blood flow volume and nailfold microcirculation of Raynaud's phenomenon ( RP) patients. 目的:探讨雷诺现象(RP)患者甲襞区域血流量和微循环的变化。
Chemical thoracic sympathectomy for Raynaud's phenomenon: Report of 73 cases 化学性胸交感神经节切除术治疗雷诺现象73例
Raynaud's phenomenon was common in damage of peripheral vessels. 末梢血管病变以雷诺现象多见。
Raynaud's phenomenon of deep hole drilling-operators 操作深孔钻机床工人的雷诺氏现象
Effect of Cilostazol on Secondary Raynaud's Phenomenon 西洛他唑治疗继发性雷诺现象的临床观察
Study on the evolution of Raynaud's phenomenon 雷诺现象的转归研究